Time Machine

"So, the thing about time travel, yeah.. Is that it doesn't work. At all. No. I mean, you've seen 'Back to the Future', you know what I'm talking about. Yeah, if you.. how does it work? If you change one thing, just one tiny little thing, then you'd have to change everything that happens after that event.

It's very tempting to romanticize that idea if you could go back, if you could change things. And not just do good things. Wouldn't it be amazing to.. You could fuck the people over who fucked you over. Wouldn't that be fun? Just get 'em.

Or you'd say 'sorry', or you'd do things differently. But if you'd change one you change everything and I don't know about you, but I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else but right here, on this stage, in this town, sitting in front of you.

And the thing that I've learned, I didn't need a time machine to do this. I think what I've learned is that you move forward by making a peace with it and just lay it to rest. Then you can move forward.
So that's what I'm gonna do."

- Darren Hayes


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